Gold Bars & Coins

A gold coin is actually a circular piece of gold usually made of alloyed gold or other precious metal. In common parlance, a gold coin is also called a bullion coin. In this posting, we’ll define the size and weight of a regular gold coin as well as smaller gold bars that the typical gold investor may own. In the future, gold investment may encompass precious metals as well as other assets. To this day, gold remains the most widely traded financial asset.


Gold bullion is the standard unit of exchange in some countries. In the United States, it is known simply as bullion. Similar to other standard units of currency, bullion is generally measured in terms of gold bars. Like other precious metals, gold coins are produced in various quantities and amounts. One standard legal coinage in the US is the American Eagle Gold Bullion Coin.

Gold Bullion

Gold bullion is an investment vehicle with both bullion and non-bullion products. Some countries mint rare and limited edition bars of gold coins. Others produce standard bullion bars in standard sizes. Still others combine the two. For gold investors interested in investing in bars, there are several avenues worth investigating.

Selling gold bullion is the most popular avenue for an investor interested in bullion, next to gold ETFs. Many commercial banks and credit unions offer cash for gold sales. In the process, the coin is physically separated from its dealer and from the gold content. After rigorous inspection, the refiners evaluate the physical condition of the bar. If it meets the required purity, the dealer then marks the purity on the reverse of the coin. Refiners can sell the bars with minimal expense; hence, they enjoy the profit.

Market Prices

When selling gold bullion as well as gold futures, the buyer has to make sure that it is selling at a fair market price. A dealer may settle the price with customers through a cash transaction or through market derivative purchase. The latter option allows buyers to pay less in exchange for the minted gold coins. Since dealers bear a portion of the selling cost, they have little reason to forego earning a profit on their investments.

Large vs Small Quantities

When investing in gold, it is better to buy bullion in large quantities. This will allow investors to have a steady source of funds without much investment risk. Many gold bullion dealers offer larger-size bars of gold for better prices. Large-size bars allow investors to obtain the same volume as smaller bars without incurring outlay costs. However, investors need to be cautious about paying the premium for larger-sized bars since they could get stuck in a situation where they pay for over-supply if the market decides against them.


There are many ways in which you can sell gold bullion. You could sell directly to consumers or to dealers. Selling to consumers involve gathering payments from buyers and shipping the products to buyers. For dealers, it involves procuring payments from clients and holding the transactions until the client sells the items.


Gold bars and coins are also used by collectors. They make great investments due to their high quality and rarity. If you want to sell your gold jewelry at a good price, then it is best to consult a professional dealer who can help you determine the selling price of what your gold is worth. You can also use the services of a professional who can evaluate the value of what your gold is worth.


The prices of gold jewelry depend on several factors such as the physical gold content of the items, the demand for them, and the production process. While the physical gold content may not change much, the demand for them may increase or decrease. Similarly, the production process for fine gold jewelry can either increase or decrease their prices. The dealer or the buyer you are dealing with will help you determine what gold prices are.


The gold prices also depend on whether the product you have chosen is of high quality or not. Most people prefer buying gold bars because they are easy to store. For gold coins, on the other hand, they are more preferable since they are easier to travel with and to keep track of. It may be difficult to decide what your gold investments are worth. It is advisable to seek the help of professionals who can provide you with an effective way of determining what your gold investments are worth.


You may also sell gold bars and coins by bartering over the internet. There are websites that can allow you to trade in different commodities using the banks’ platforms. This can be a convenient way for those who do not have access to a local broker or who do not want to wait for their bank to transfer the funds from the trade to their accounts. Some online companies even offer you the option of selling your precious metals by the gram.